Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 465 Words

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized anxiety disorder(GAD) is much more than the normal anxiety people experience everyday. It is a chronic condition that is chracterized by excessive worry and anxiety, even though there arent any reasonable explanations for the cause. It is diagnosed when a person spends a least 6 months worrying excessively about numerous everyday problems. People who suffer from GAD always anticipate the worst. They frequently worry about family, money, work or their health. Just getting through each day provokes anxiety. Individuals with GAD are usually referred to as Worry Warts. People with GAD cant seem to overcome their constant concerns, even when they realize that†¦show more content†¦They frequently suffer from insomnia and chronic fatigue. Concentration is difficult because they are easily startled and agitated. They remain in a constant state of arousal. People afflicted with GAD dont necessarily avoid particular situations because of their disorder. They are unlike in dividuals who suffer from more severe types of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and severe phobias. If the impairment from GAD is mild, they are usually able to work and function in most social events. When the impairment is more severe, it can be debilitating making it almost unbearable to perform simple daily activities. Approximately 4 million Americans suffer from GAD, about 2.8% of the U.S. adult population between the ages of 18-54. GAD usually strikes in childhood or adolescence, but can begin in adulthood.(2) It affects women more often than men. The reason that females have higher rates than males for most anxiety disorders has not been clearly identified. Research suggests that the role of gonadal steroids in women may be a contributing factor for their higher rate of anxiety disorders. Women also experience a wider range of stressful life events as compared to men, who react to a more limited range of stressful life events. Other researchers think GAD may be transferred through genes.(3) Treatments for GAD includeShow MoreRelatedGeneralized Anxiety Disorder771 Words   |  3 Pagescountry are affected, it is estimated that â€Å"5% - 6% of teens ages 13-18 are affected by this troubling disorder, not including the teens that receive no treatment,† (â€Å"Generalized†). Youth that receive no treatment could be considered are under privileged. Meaning that they do not have the resources or are very limited to resources that could help them get the proper treatment for their disorder. Many of those adolescents are children that come from low income families, single family homes, or fosterRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder Essay1602 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Case Analysis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Bryan Wood Abnormal Psychology Professor Powell April 14, 2015 Bryan Wood Mr. Powell PSY 322 April 14, 2015 Case Analysis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) â€Å"During a panic attack, the first thing you want to do is get out of the situation that is causing it. However, since most professors find it disrespectful to leave during class, I had to sit for an hour and half in this agonizing state†¦It was as if I had terminal cancerRead MoreUsing Generalized Anxiety Disorder?1180 Words   |  5 Pagessmall example of what someone with Generalized Anxiety Disorder may go through on a daily business every moment during their day. The topics that are going to be covered in this paper are what is GAD and what are the signs and symptoms, how does GAD affect the ability to perform normal activities of daily living, and an overall summary with my assigned individual at SDC for his Intensive Learning Project. What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder â€Å"Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by excessiveRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder Is A Mental Disorder That1410 Words   |  6 PagesGeneralized anxiety disorder is a mental disorder that affects approximately four to five percent of the general population. This disorder can be illustrated by excessive anxiety and worry that lasts a minimum of six months and deals with various events or activities. People who struggle with this disorder have difficulties controlling their worry; this worry can permeate into every action or thought which leads to increased anxiety. Moreover, people with generalized anxiety disorder exhibit at leastRead MoreQuestions On Generalized Anxiety Disorder1151 Words   |  5 PagesRunning Head: GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER 1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Chinelo Onyekere Delaware County Community College Abnormal Psychology 210 Professor Doran August 8, 2015 GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER 2 Presenting Problems Joe Steven, is reported a continuous and extensive worry about his family responsibilities. TheRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder ( Gad )1782 Words   |  8 PagesGeneralized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a mental disorder marked by extreme anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation) over a period of at least 6 months. It is accompanied by at least three of these six somatic or psychological symptoms: feeling on edge, fatigue, problems with concentration, feeling irritable, physical tension, and problems with sleep. Allgulander2012 GAD pervasive cogn dysfunction w/focus on threat and risk tow indiv/family Tension worry muscle pain sleep dist irritability PsychRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder1142 Words   |  5 PagesGeneralized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a disorder of shared self-reported symptoms. It goes with tension, uncontrollable worrying, sometimes muscle pain, trouble sleeping, and irritability that all together impair work ability, relations, and leisure activities. It is a common condition and there are psychological and pharmacological treatment options are available for anxiety disorders but not all patients respond to the same treatment as others. Finding a good treatment can take many months or sometimesRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder ( Gad ) Essay2397 Words   |  10 PagesReview Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a disorder in which an individual may feel persistent, excessive, and worry about everyday things that may not even happen. Individuals with this disorder may feel worry, excessive anxiety, and have thoughts of the worst even when there is no need for concern. A person experiencing GAD may expect a disaster. They may worry about their finances, money, health, family, work, or any issue that may come to mind. This disorder mayRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder ( Gad )999 Words   |  4 PagesGeneralized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is one of the most diagnosed mental disorders today, and can often be closely linked to concurrent symptoms or disorders including physiological, behavioral, other anxiety disorders, depression and substance abuse. (Merino, Senra Ferreiro, 2016) (Cacioppo Fregberg, 2013, p. 688). GAD most notably produces symptoms of excessive worry and anxiety related to non-specific risks, which often leads to functional decline both socially and professionally (Roberge etRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder2902 Words   |  12 PagesGeneralized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry about everyday things that is disproportionate to the actual source of worry. This excessive worry often interferes with daily functioning, as individuals suffering GAD typically anticipate disaster, and are overly concerned about everyday matters such as health issues, money, death, family problems, friend problems, relationship problems or work difficulties.[1]

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Law Enforcement Officers Working Personality Essay

Police â€Å"working personality† is limited by an unquestionable tacit within the police subculture, surrounded by shifting perceptions, depending on the situation. This shared understanding is limited to law enforcement officers and their counterparts throughout the law enforcement community. Law enforcement officers articulate â€Å"working personality† though their understanding of common duty requirements and daily vulnerabilities, which include; danger, the pressure to be efficient, and authority. As law enforcement officers develop â€Å"working personality† as an occupational exercise, over time it becomes a habit displayed equally during work and off duty, which leads to becoming continuously suspicious of their surroundings, violating civilians constitutional rights, using excessive force, and acts of mayhem. The following are examples of when law enforcement officers â€Å"working personality† progresses into to their personal lives as illustrated in the articles below: †¢ Off duty cops threatens to â€Å"PUT HOLE’ in driver’s head ( †¢ Off-duty SC cop arrests soldier, gets fired ( †¢ Police Officer Accused of Sexually Abusing a Family Friend’s Daughter ( †¢ Florida Police Officer on Paid LeaveShow MoreRelatedA Sketch Of The Policeman s Working Personality914 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"A Sketch of the Policeman’s ‘Working Personality’†, Skolnick explores the view that because their role contains the two important variables of danger and authority, officers develop a distinctive view of the world compared to those of other professions. He then goes on to illustrate how, what he calls the â€Å"working personality†, affects the actions of police officers. Skolnick begins by concentrating and analyzing certain elements pertaining to the law enforcement profession. The elements SkolnickRead MoreThe High Standard Score He Received1131 Words   |  5 Pagesdiscussed his Realistic again had strong representation, social came next and enterprising third. He was a little surprised Law Enforcement Officer had the highest score, but I pointed out it was his responses to this area that most aligned with the samples responses. He said he needed to think about that some more. He did like his responses’ alignment with military enlisted and officers. He was surprised by his alignment with Parks and Recreation Manager, but liked that idea even though he was not sureRead MoreCopy and Paste1613 Words   |  7 Pagesweight unknown to most law enforcement officers. The true weight of the badge is not overcome by muscle, not found in the gym, not measured on a scale. This weight requires a strength and conditioning for which few officers are tr ained. The badge is not just pinned on a chest, it is pinned on a lifestyle. The heaviness of the badge makes the law enforcement officer different from other professionals. Over the course of the last ten years, working as psychologists with police officers, we have identifiedRead MorePolice Enforcement Is A Stressful And Dangerous Job1658 Words   |  7 Pageswidely recognized that law enforcement is a stressful and dangerous job (Dantzker, 2011). Policing in the 21st century presents concerns not experienced or imagined by police personnel from earlier centuries. Cybercrime, cyberterrorism, mass shootings, and human trafficking are organizational responsibilities unique to police officers of this century (Feemster, 2010). Therefore, just as crime has evolved, so must the individuals dedicated to fighting it. The duties of police officers today far surpassRead MoreKohlberg s Theory Of Moral Development1450 Words   |  6 Pageschief of police my officers would have to accept and believe in my rules as there authority figure. They will have consequences for their actions. If they morally do wrong and disobey the orders and rules I have set before them. Level 2- Conventional, as law enforcement officers they are to continue to accept the rules of their authority figures. Plus have positive relationships with there colleagues and societal order to avoid disapproval. Level 3- Post Conventional, as officers they must uphold thereRead MoreEthics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis Essay978 Words   |  4 Pagesright and wrong. Working in the criminal justice system, every decision and results must meet the needs of the citizens and the law enforcement in regards to the balancing concern. The concerns are from prosecuting the guilty and respecting the right of the accused, protecting the victims, and creating a safe community. This paper will give analysis of the critical thinking concerning the relationship between ethics and professional behavior role of the law enforcement officers, and the five areasRead MoreWhy People Commit Crimes1403 Words   |  6 Pagesis criminal behavior. Of course, each person has it own opinion. Crime is the human conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction that has the power to make such laws, according with Schmalleger. The criminal behavior is the antisocial acts that a person commits for different reasons. This means that the person violated laws constantly for a long or short time period. There are many reasons why criminals commit crimes. Some of the criminals commitRead MoreCommunity Policing And The Community Essay1561 Words   |  7 Pagesorder to establish and cultivate a relationship between the law enforcement agency and the community being patrolled. Moreover, community policing is composed of three analytical components; community partnerships, organizational transformation, and problem solving (Gardiner, 154, 2016). Notably, community partnerships are essential in community policing since they increase public trust and generate an enhanced relationship in law enforcement agencies better serving the community (Gardiner, 87, 2016)Read MorePolice Career Research Paper1500 Words   |  6 PagesPaper Police officers have played a major role in society by protecting us from crime. Their responsibilities include not only preserving the peace, preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also directing traffic, community relations work, and controlling crowds at public events. Law enforcement officers are a part of our communities to protect and serve us from danger and to apprehend criminals that disobey the law. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Inspirational Speech Free Essays

LET’S MAKE IT BETTER!!! LONDON UNDERGROUND TRANSPORT FOR LONDON 21ST OF OCTOBER 2010. Dear All My Colleagues London underground started its journey in 1863 and since then it has been Londoners one of the most dependable transportation system. You are the people who keep it alive and running. We will write a custom essay sample on Inspirational Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now With your continuous effort and hard work we are giving our best service to our customers. You all deserve a big thank you for all your dedication towards making underground better. Our journey is not always easy. We have to been through many ups and downs. I am still scared thinking about 7/7 incident. We had a big blow that day but we have managed very well to be on track. We tried our best to run our trains as soon as possible after the bombing incident. I still feel sorry for all who have been died or affected on that day and hope we will never have to face this kind of things again. â€Å"Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated. †[i] We will not be defeated; we don’t know how to lose. It’s our holy duty to make sure all Londoners can travel safety and comfort. We will take LU to a high standard that can be example for the other world. Our vision is to deliver a world-class Underground for a world-class city. This is a realistic goal, and we have made great strides, but there are still challenges to overcome before our transformation of the Tube is complete. [ii] Recently we have some staff disagreement and Londoners have faces two consecutive tubes strike this and last month. It has affected London very badly and costs at least ? 50 million pounds and disrupts millions of journeys. [iii] Our strategy is to combine a reliable train service with the highest standards of customer care – something we take from our heritage. So if there is any kind of disagreement it should be solved in table not by stopping Londoners life. Because all the member of public pay to travel and also billions of pounds of tax payers money into it. Our challenge is to keep London moving while we transform the Tube. To overcome the legacy of under-investment, we have embarked on a massive investment programme to deliver the extra capacity needed to keep pace with rising demand. The level of renewal and refurbishment work is on a scale unseen for more than 60 years. It presents a major challenge: maintaining the service during the biggest rebuilding programme the Underground has ever seen. So we really need your motivation and inspiration to make LU better. Without your afford our all investment and planning would go into ruin. I believe with your help and support London Underground will be people’s best choice for transportation and will create an excellence. Thank You HR Personnel London Underground. ———————– [i] Ernest Hemingway [ii] TFL. GOV. UK [iii] The Daily Telegraph How to cite Inspirational Speech, Papers Inspirational Speech Free Essays Good morning Ladies, Gentlemen and of course, most importantly, the girls and boys who are so called awardee  today. We are now giving recognition to our students who have proven their best in the non-academic areas – specifically those who have excelled in athletics, in the literary- musical contests, in leadership, and other areas and have brought honor to the School. I am very aware that today is about the children and as such, my speech is largely aimed at the special young people  sitting in front of me today. We will write a custom essay sample on Inspirational Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now Before we even begin, may I request everyone to please give a round of applause to these fantastic students. Today is all about you girls and boys. I know it is difficult to sit still for a long time – so I promise that I’ll try and keep my speech as short as possible. Stacia Tauscher said, â€Å"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. †Ã‚   As parents and teachers we do put a lot of time and energy into preparing our children for their futures. And rightly so. We do indeed need to equip our children with life-long skills to prepare them for adulthood. It is our collective responsibility as we guide and mold the leaders of tomorrow –  for it is on them that the future will have to depend. Today, as we pay tribute to the  young ladies  and gentlemen of tomorrow, we know that they have started their remarkable journey towards achieving this goal. This year marks even the most challenging because the change in our education system has begun through the implementation of K-12 program, yet, we have seen them grow and develop exponentially. They have learned so much. They have remained eager and enthusiastic and they have grown in so many ways. Our thanks and appreciation to all the teachers and the parents for the fantastic role that you have all played to facilitate this process. Now, girls and boys†¦ I need to tell you how very proud we are of you today. You are all incredibly special people today, right now,   as you sit here in front of us. You have all worked very hard to learn more every day, you have played hard, you have made new friends and you have all tried to be a good friend too. Well done and congratulations to each and every one of you – you can feel very proud of all you have done this year. Our young children will move into a new year – a year with new challenges to  deal  with. As  they move  into their respective tomorrows so bright with goals already achieved and more dreams still to aspire to, we say to them†¦ our talent, whatever it is, is a gift, a blessing – be grateful, give your wins a meaning by being magnanimous and by making people happy. Also, let your being winners teach you lessons that could pilot your lives. Remember too, that after climbing a great hill, there are many more hills to climb so expect for more and harder challenges. Your achievement has given you a good start and the best of preparations. Hold onto your uncanny gift of finding everything in nothing, of not  only seeing seven wonders in the world – but several thousand. I’d like to close with this message: Life can never be all wins. â€Å"Sooner or later, everyone will fall short at something important to them – whether it be a job, a dream, a relationship. Let failure in one endeavor make you better at another area. Let failure also teach us about the need to give people second chances and that life is a road with unpredictable twists and unexpected tomorrows. To take advantage of what life has to offer, don’t let yourself be destroyed by a defeat, or let others set limits on your ability to achieve† Good day everyone! How to cite Inspirational Speech, Essay examples